Optimizing eDNA to Detect Multiple Aquatic Invasive Species
Little information exists to guide the development of widespread, multi-species environmental DNA monitoring for AIS. This project will answer questions regarding the optimal amount of sampling effort, timing, and sample location for detecting AIS across a range of lake types and AIS abundances. Results will guide widespread monitoring to establish statistically valid estimates of AIS prevalence and for early detection efforts.
1) Determine seasonality of AIS eDNA over the open water season.
2) Determine the best time to eDNA sample based on eDNA seasonality, lake characteristics.
3) Provide guidance on the amount of eDNA sampling effort to detect AIS.
To complete our objectives we sampled 20 lakes over the open water season for four AIS: Common Carp, Rusty Crayfish, Spiny Waterflea and Zebra Mussels. Each of these lakes was visited 5 times starting with ice off in the spring and going until ice on in the fall. Each time we visited the lake we measured took 10 eDNA samples and measured various water quality parameters. These repeat sampling across many lakes and over different events allows us to disentangle the complicated dynamics of eDNA detections. In Figure B, you can see the life history event of each species that we hypothesize will increase their detectability.
Current progress
We have finished eDNA sampling 20 lakes throughout Minnesota. As of June 2023, Christopher Rounds has defended his MS on eDNA and is working on submitting the manuscript to a journal. Although our findings are forthcoming, we are excited to share them with you!
This research is conducted in collaboration with the Natural Resources Research Institute and the University of Illinois and is funded by the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center with funds from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund.