Recent Publications


Publications since joining UMN

Garcia, SM**, CL Chun, J Dumke, GJA Hansen, KB Quebedeaux, C Rounds**, A Totsch**, ER Larson. 2024. Environmental DNA storage and extraction methods affects detectability for multiple aquatic invasive species. Environmental DNA 6: e557.

Blechinger, T†, D Link**, JKR Nelson, and GJA Hansen. In press. Estimating ethanol correction factors for δ13C and δ15N isotopic signatures of freshwater zooplankton from multiple lakes. Limnology and Oceanography Methods.

Thomas, SM*, MR Verhoeven, JR Walsh*, DJ Larkin, GJA Hansen. 2024. Making SDM-based forecasts useful by measuring and communicating uncertainty: an aquatic invasive species case study. Ecology 105: e4297.

Frater, PN*, ZS Feiner, GJA Hansen, DA Isermann, AW Latzka, OP Jensen. 2024. The incredible HALK: Borrowing data for age assignment. Fisheries 49: 117-128.

North, JS**, EM Schliep, GJA Hansen, H Kundel**, CA Custer**, P McLaughlin*, T Wagner. 2024. Accounting for spatiotemporal sampling variation in joint species distribution models. Journal of Applied Ecology 61: 186-201.

Rounds, CI†, K Vitense*, GJA Hansen. 2023. Digitizing lake bathymetric data using ImageJ. Limnology and Oceanography Methods. 21:615-624.

Bethke, BJ, HM Rantala, RD Ahrenstorff, HAW Kelly, KE Kovalenko, RP Maki, JK Hirsh, JD Dumke, VJ Brady, JF LeDuc, GJA Hansen. 2023. Walleye and yellow perch resource use in large lakes invaded by spiny water fleas and zebra mussels. Aquatic Ecology 00: 1-14

Wagner, T, EM Schliep, JS North**, H Kundel**, CA Custer**, JKR Nelson, GJA Hansen. 2023. Predicting climate change impacts on poikilotherms using physiologically guided species abundance models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (15): e2214199120,

Vitense, K.* and GJA Hansen. 2023. Non-linear water clarity trends and impacts on littoral area in Minnesota lakes. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.

Mahlum*, S, K Vitense*, H Corson-Dosch, L Platt, PJ Schmalz, M Treml, and GJA Hansen. 2023. Connecting habitat to species abundance: the role of light and temperature in the abundance of walleye in lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.|

Krabbenhoft, CA*, SA Ludsin, EA Marchall, RR Budnik, ZL Almeida, CL Cahill, HS Embke, ZS Feiner, PH Schmalz, MJ Thorstensen, MJ Weber, MR Wuellner, and GJA Hansen. 2023. Synthesizing professional opinion and published science to build a conceptual model of walleye recruitment. Fisheries 48: 141-156.

Wagner, Tyler; Schliep, Erin M; North, Joshua S; Kundel, Holly**; Custer, Christopher A; Ruzich, Jenna K; Hansen, Gretchen J A. (2022). Data in Support of Predicting climate change impacts on poikilotherms using physiologically guided species abundance models. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Hansen, Gretchen J. A., Wehrly, Kevin E., Vitense, Kelsey, Walsh, Jake R., and Jacobson, Peter C. 2022. Quantifying the Resilience of Coldwater Lake Habitat to Climate and Land Use Change to Prioritize Watershed Conservation.” Ecosphere 13( 7): e4172.

Boehm, H. I., Isermann, D. A., Ermer, M. J., Eslinger, L. D., Hansen, G. J., & Logsdon, D. E. (2022). Special Section Overview: Effects of Ecosystem Change on North American Percid Populations.

Hansen, G.J.A., Ruzich, J.K., Krabbenhoft, C.A., Kundel, H.**, Mahlum, S.*, Rounds, C.I.**, Van Pelt, A.O.***, Eslinger, L.D., Logsdon, D.E. and Isermann, D.A. (2022), It’s Complicated and It Depends: A Review of the Effects of Ecosystem Changes on Walleye and Yellow Perch Populations in North America. North Am J Fish Manage, 42: 484-506.

Rounds, C. I.**, Hansen, G. J.A., Vitense, K., & Van Pelt, A.*** (2022). Digitization of Minnesota and Wisconsin bathymetric maps resulting in hypsographic data. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota.

North, Joshua S.; Schliep, Erin M.; Hansen, Gretchen J.A.; Kundel, Holly**; Custer, Christoper A.; McLaughlin, Paul; Wagner, Tyler. (2022). Data In Support Of Accounting For Spatio-Temporal Variation In Catachability In Joint Species Distribution Models. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Willard, J.D., Read, J.S., Topp, S., Hansen, G.J.A., and Kumar, V. (2022). Daily surface temperatures for 185,549 lakes in the conterminous United States estimated using deep learning (1980–2020). Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett, 7: 287-301.

Loewen, C. J. G., Jackson, D. A., Chu, C., Alofs, K. M., Hansen, G. J. A., Honsey, A. E., Minns, C. K., & Wehrly, K. E. (2022). Bioregions are predominantly climatic for fishes of northern lakes. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31, 233– 246.

Mahlum, Shad; Vitense, Kelsey; Corson-Dorsch, Hayley; Platt, Lindsay; Read, Jordan; Schmalz, Patrick; Treml, Melissa; Hansen, Gretchen JA. (2022). Data in support of: Connecting habitat to species abundance: the role of light and temperature in the abundance of walleye in lakes. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Perales, K. M., Hansen, G. J. A.*, Hein, C. L., Mrnak, J. T., Roth, B. M., Walsh, J. R., & Vander Zanden, M. J. (2021). Spatial and temporal patterns in native and invasive crayfishes during a 19-year whole-lake invasive crayfish removal experiment. Freshw Biol., 66, 2105– 2117.

Thomas, S. M.*, Verhoeven, M. R., Walsh, J. R., Larkin, D. J., & Hansen, G. J. A. (2021). Species distribution models for invasive Eurasian watermilfoil highlight the importance of data quality and limitations of discrimination accuracy metrics. Ecology and Evolution 11:12567-12582.

Hansen, Gretchen JA*; Wehrly, Kevin E; Vitense, Kelsey; Walsh, Jacob R; Jacobson, Peter C. (2021). Data in support of: Quantifying resilience of coldwater habitat to climate and land use change to prioritize watershed conservation. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota.

Hansen, G.J.A. (2021). Novel thermal habitat in lakes. Nat. Clim. Chang. 11, 470–471.

Jane, S.F., Hansen, G.J.A., Kraemer, B.M. et al. Widespread deoxygenation of temperate lakes. Nature 594, 66–70 (2021).

Kelly, H. A. W., Kovalenko, K. E., Ahrenstorff, T. D., Bethke, B. J., Brady, V. J., Dumke, J. D., Hansen, G. J.A., Rantala, H. M. (2021). Trophic complexity of small fish in nearshore food webs. Hydrobiologia, 848(10), 2505-2521.

Cowles, J., Templeton, L., Battles, J. J., Edmunds, P. J., Carpenter, R. C., Carpenter, S. R., Nelson, M. P., Cleavitt, N. L., Fahey, T.J., Groffman, P. M., Sullivan, J. H., Neel, M. C., Hansen, G. J.A., Hobbie, S., Holbrook, S. J., Kazanski, C. E., Seabloom, E. W., Schmitt, R. J., Stanley, E. H., Tepley, A. J., vanDoorn, N. S., Vander Zanden, J. M. (2021). Resilience: insights from the US LongTerm Ecological Research Network. Ecosphere, 12(5), e03434.

Vitense, K., Hansen, G. J.A. (2021). Data and R code supporting “Non-linear water clarity trends and impacts on littoral area in Minnesota lakes”. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota.

Massie, D. L., Hansen, G. J.A., Li, Y., Sass, G. G., & Wagner, T. (2021). Do lake-specific characteristics mediate the temporal relationship between walleye growth and warming water temperatures?. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 99(999), 1-11.

Boehm, H.I.A., Gostiaux, J.C., Hansen, G.J.A., Hennessy, J.M. and Isermann, D.A. (2020), Indexing Age-0 Walleye Abundance in Northern Wisconsin Lakes before Fall. North Am J Fish Manage, 40: 910-921.

Walsh, J. R.*, Hansen, G. J.A., Read, J. S., & Vander Zanden, M. J. (2020). Comparing models using air and water temperature to forecast an aquatic invasive species response to climate change. Ecosphere, 11(7), e03137.

Hansen, G. J.A., Ahrenstorff, T. D., Bethke, B. J., Dumke, J. D., Hirsch, J., Kovalenko, K. E., LeDuc, J. F., Maki, R. P., Rantala, H. M., Wagner, T. (2020). Walleye growth declines following zebra mussel and Bythotrephes invasion. Biological Invasions, 22(4), 1481-1495.

Honsey, A. E.*, Feiner, Z. S., & Hansen, G. J.A. (2020). Drivers of walleye recruitment in Minnesota’s large lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(12), 1921-1933.

Wagner, T., Hansen, G. J.A., Schliep, E. M., Bethke, B. J., Honsey, A. E.*, Jacobson, P. C., ... & White, S. L. (2020). Improved understanding and prediction of freshwater fish communities through the use of joint species distribution models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(9), 1540-1551.

Hansen, Gretchen J A; Bethke, Bethany J; Ahrenstorff, Tyler D; Dumke, Josh; Hirsch, Jodie; Kovalenko, Katya E; LeDuc, Jaime F; Maki, Ryan P; Rantala, Heidi M; Wagner, Tyler. (2019). Data and R code for analysis of walleye and yellow perch age-0 length in Minnesota's Large Lakes. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Read, J. S., Jia, X., Willard, J., Appling, A. P., Zwart, J. A., Oliver, S. K., Karpatne, A., Hansen, G. JA., et al. (2019). Process-guided deep learning predictions of lake water temperature. Water Resources Research, 55, 9173– 9190.

Tingley III, RW, C Paukert, GG Sass, PC Jacobson, GJA Hansen, AJ Lynch, and PD Shannon. 2019. Adapting to climate change: Guidance for the management of inland glacial lake fisheries. Lake and Reservoir management 35:435-452.

Madeline R. Magee, Catherine L. Hein, Jake R. Walsh*, P. Danielle Shannon, M. Jake Vander Zanden, Timothy B. Campbell, Gretchen J. A. Hansen, Jennifer Hauxwell, Gina D. LaLiberte, Timothy P. Parks, Greg G. Sass, Christopher W. Swanston & Maria K. Janowiak (2019) Scientific advances and adaptation strategies for Wisconsin lakes facing climate change, Lake and Reservoir Management, 35:4, 364-381, DOI: 10.1080/10402381.2019.1622612

Bajer PG, Ghosal R, Maselko M, Smanski MJ, Lechelt JD, Hansen G, Kornis MS (2019) Biological control of invasive fish and aquatic invertebrates: a brief review with case studies. Management of Biological Invasions 10(2): 227–254,

Hansen, G. J. A., Winslow, L. A., Read, J. S., Treml, M., Schmalz, P. J., and Carpenter, S. R.. 2019. Water clarity and temperature effects on walleye safe harvest: an empirical test of the safe operating space concept. Ecosphere 10( 5):e02737. 10.1002/ecs2.2737




bold = work completed while a member of the lab

Data releases

Masui, HK**, MR Verhoeven, PPN Frater, JKR Nelson, AW Latzka, ZS Feiner, OP Jensen, GJA Hansen. 2023, Data in Support of The Incredible HALK: Borrowing Data for Age Assignment to Create Hierarchical Age Length Keys for Several Fish Species in the Midwest Region: National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers,

Rounds, C**, TW Arnold, CL Chun, J Dumke, A Totsch**, A Keppers, K Edbald, SM Garcia**, ER Larson, JKR Nelson, GJA Hansen. 2023. Seasonal influence on detection probabilities for multiple aquatic invasive species using environmental DNA. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Blinick, NS**, TD Ahrenstorff, BJ Bethke, AB Fleishman, D Link**, JKR Nelson, HM Rantala, CL Rude†, GJA Hansen. 2023. Data and R code for analysis of mercury concentration and food web differences in walleye and yellow perch from Minnesota lakes with and without invasive zebra mussels, 2019 - 2021. Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Kundel, H** and GJA Hansen. 2023. Data in Support of Widespread declines in walleye recruitment following zebra mussel invasion in Minnesota lakes. Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Blechinger, T†, D Link**, JKR Nelson, GJA Hansen. 2023. Data and R code for a zooplankton ethanol storage correction factor. Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Mahlum, S*, K Vitense*, H Corson-Dorsch, L. Platt, JS Read, P Schmalz, M Treml, GJA Hansen. 2022. Data in support of Connecting habitat to species abundance: the role of light and temperature in the abundance of walleye in lakes. Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

EM Schliep, JS North**, CA Custer**, JK Ruzich, H Kundel**, GJA Hansen. 2022. Data in Support of Predicting climate change impacts on poikilotherms using physiologically guided species abundance models. Data Repository for University of Minnesota.

JS North**, EM Schliep, GJA Hansen, H Kundel**, CA Custer**, P McLaughlin*. 2022 Data In Support Of Accounting For Spatio-Temporal Variation In Catachability In Joint Species Distribution Models. Data Repository for University of Minnesota.

J Willard**, JS Read, SN Topp, GJA Hansen, and V Kumar, 2022, Data release: Daily surface temperatures for 185,549 lakes in the Contiguous United States estimated using deep learning (1980-2020): U.S. Geological Survey,

Hansen, GJA; K Wehrly, K Vitense*, JR Walsh*, PC Jacobson. 2021. Data in support of: Quantifying resilience of coldwater habitat to climate and land use change to prioritize watershed conservation. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Vitense, K* and GJA Hansen. 2021. Data and R code supporting “Non-linear water clarity trends and impacts on littoral area in Minnesota lakes”. Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Read JS, AP Appling, SK Oliver, JA Zwart, K Vitense, GJA Hansen, H Corson-Dosch, H Kundel**. 2021. Process-based predictions of lake water temperature in the Midwest US: U.S. Geological Survey,

Read JS, AP Appling, K Vitense, SK  Oliver, L  Platt, GJA Hansen, H Corson-Dosch. 2021. Walleye Thermal Optical Habitat Area (TOHA) of selected Minnesota lakes: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Rounds, CI†, GJA Hansen, K Vitense. 2021. Digitization of Minnesota and Wisconsin bathymetric maps resulting in hypsographic data. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Vitense, K.*, G.J.A. Hansen. 2021. Data and R code supporting “Non-linear water clarity trends and impacts on littoral area in Minnesota lakes”. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,

Read, J.S., Jia, X., Willard, J., Appling, A.P., Zwart, J.A., Oliver, S.K., Karpatne, A., Hansen, G.J.A., Hanson, P.C., Watkins, W., Steinbach, M., and Kumar, V., 2019, Data release: Process-guided deep learning predictions of lake water temperature: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Hansen, G. J. A., Bethke, B. J., Ahrenstorff, T. D., Dumke, J., Hirsch, J., Kovalenko, K. E., . . . Wagner, T. 2019. Data and R code for analysis of walleye and yellow perch age-0 length in Minnesota's Large Lakes. Data Repository of the University of Minnesota.

Winslow, L.A., Hansen, G.J.A., and Read, J.S., 2017, Data release: A large-scale database of modeled contemporary and future water temperature data for 10,774 Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin Lakes: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Hansen, G. J. A., Vander Zanden, J., Nilsson, E., Papes, M., & Sharma, S. (2014). North Temperate Lakes LTER: Sparkling Lake Invertebrates 1994-2010. Environmental Data Initiative.  doi:  

Carpenter, S., Hansen, G., Rusak, J., LTER, N., Solomon, C., Vander Zanden, J., . . . others (2013). Food Web Isotope Study at North Temperate Lakes LTER 2004-2010 vol. knb-lter-ntl.261.3. Long Term Ecological Research Network.  doi:  

Hansen, G. J. A., Vander Zanden, M. J., Nilsson, E., Papes, M., & Sharma, S. (2013). Native and invasive species abundance distributions in lakes at North Temperate Lakes LTER 1979-2010. Environmental Data Initiative.  doi:    

Hansen, G. J. A., Vander Zanden, M. J., Nilsson, E., Papes, M., & Sharma, S. (2013). North Temperate Lakes LTER: Sparkling Lake Crayfish 2001-2010. Environmental Data Initiative.  doi:

Prior to Dr. Gretchen Hansen’s time at the University of Minnesota and the start of her Fisheries Systems Ecology Lab


Pedersen, EJ, D Goto, JW Gaeta, GJA Hansen, GG Sass, MJ Vander Zanden, TA Cichosz, AL Rypel. 2018. Long-term growth trends in northern Wisconsin walleye populations under changing biotic and abiotic conditions. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75:733-745.

Hansen, GJA, SR Midway, T Wagner. 2018. Walleye recruitment success is less resilient to warming water temperatures in lakes with abundant largemouth bass populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75:106-115.

Jacobson, PC, GJA Hansen, BJ Bethke, TK Cross. 2017. Disentangling the effects of a century of eutrophication and climate warming on freshwater lake fish assemblages. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0182667.

Carpenter, SR, WA Brock, GJA Hansen, JF Hansen, JM Hennessy, DA Isermann, EJ Pedersen, KM Perales, AL Rypel, GG Sass, TD Tunney, MJ Vander Zanden. 2017. Defining a safe operating space for inland recreational fisheries. Fish and Fisheries 18:1150-1160.

Winslow, LA, JS Read, GJA Hansen, KC Rose, DM Robertson. 2017. Seasonality of change: Summer warming rates do not fully represent effects of climate change on lake temperatures. Limnology and Oceanography 62: 2168-2178.

Kerns, JA, DA Isermann, TA Cichosz, GJA Hansen, TD Simonson, JM Hennessy. 2017. Predicting adult muskellunge abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes pp 489-501 in Muskellunge Management: Fifty years of cooperation among anglers, scientists, and fisheries biologists. American Fisheries Society Symposium 85, Bethesda, MD.

Winslow, LA, GJA Hansen, JS Read, M Notaro. 2017. Large-scale modeled contemporary and future water temperature estimates for 10774 Midwestern U.S. Lakes. Scientific Data 4, Article number: 170053.

Vander Zanden, MJ, GJA Hansen, AW Latzka. 2017. A framework for evaluating heterogeneity and landscape-level impacts of non-native aquatic species. Ecosystems 20:477-491.

Hansen, GJA, TD Tunney, LA Winslow, MJ Vander Zanden. 2017. Whole-lake invasive crayfish removal and qualitative modeling reveal habitat-specific food web topology. Ecosphere 8: E0164.

Hansen, GJA, JS Read, JF Hansen, LA Winslow. 2017. Projected shifts in sport fish species dominance in Wisconsin lakes under climate change. Global Change Biology 23: 1463-1476.

Rose, KC, LA Winslow, JS Read, GJA Hansen. 2016. Climate warming of lakes can be either amplified or suppressed by trends in water clarity. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.

Paukert, C, R Glazer, GJA Hansen, B Irwin, P Jacobson, J Kershner, B Shuter, J Whitney, A Lynch. 2016. Adapting inland fisheries management to a changing climate. Fisheries 41(7): 374-384.

Hansen, GJA. 2016. If I knew then what I know now: Advice for fisheries students from recent fisheries graduates. Fisheries 41(8): 475-476.

Latzka, AW, GJA Hansen, M Kornis, MJ Vander Zanden. 2016. Spatial heterogeneity in invasive species impacts at the landscape scale. Ecosphere 7(3):e01311.

Hansen, GJA, JM Hennessy, T Cichosz, SW Hewett. 2015. Improved models for predicting Walleye abundance and setting safe harvest quotas in northern Wisconsin lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35: 1263-1277.

Hansen, GJA, SR Carpenter, JW Gaeta, JM Hennessy, MJ Vander Zanden. 2015. Predicting walleye recruitment as a tool for prioritizing management actions. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72(5): 661-672.

Hansen, GJA, JW Gaeta, JF Hansen, SR Carpenter. 2015. Learning to manage and managing to learn: sustaining freshwater recreational fisheries in a changing environment. Fisheries 40(2): 56-64.

Hansen, GJA, CC Carey. 2015. Fish and phytoplankton exhibit contrasting temporal species abundance patterns in a dynamic north temperate lake. PLOS ONE 10(2): e0115414.

Winslow, LA, JS Read, GJA Hansen, PC Hanson. 2015. Small lakes show muted climate change signal in deepwater temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters 42: 355-361.

Hansen, JF, GG Sass, JW Gaeta, GJA Hansen, DA Isermann, J Lyons , & MJ Vander Zanden. 2015. Largemouth bass management in Wisconsin: Intra-and inter-specific implications of abundance increases. pp 193-206 in W. Pine, ed. Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation. American Fisheries Society Symposium 82, Bethesda, MD.

Read JS, LA Winslow, GJA Hansen, J Van Den Hoek, PC Hanson, LC Bruce, CD Markfort. 2014. Simulating 2,368 temperate lakes reveals weak coherence in stratification phenology. Ecological Modelling. 291C: 142-150.

Baustian, M., GJA Hansen, A de Kluijver, K Robinson, EN Henry, L Knoll, K Rose, CC Carey. 2014. Linking the bottom to the top: the effect of anthropogenic stressors on the benthic-pelagic coupling processes in aquatic ecosystems. Invited eBook chapter: EcoDAS X Symposium Proceedings, pp 38-60.

Jones, ML, GJA Hansen. 2014. Making adaptive management work: lessons from the past and opportunities for the future. Taylor, WW, Leonard, N, A Lynch, eds. Future of Fisheries: Perspectives for the Next Generation of Professionals. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda MD.

Hansen, GJA, S Sadro, MM Baustian, BA Stauffer. 2014. Is it time to redefine the “alternative” career path for ecologists? Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 23:2-5.

Hansen, GJA, MJ Vander Zanden, MJ Blum, MK Clayton, EK Hain, J Hauxwell, M Izzo, MS Kornis, PB McIntyre, A Mikulyuk, E Nilsson, JD Olden, M Papes, S Sharma. 2013. Commonly rare and rarely common: comparing population abundance of invasive and native aquatic species. PLoS ONE 8(10): e77415.

Hansen, GJA, AR Ives, MJ Vander Zanden, SR Carpenter. 2013. Are rapid transitions between invasive and native species caused by alternative stable states, and does it matter? Ecology 94:2207–2219.

Hansen, GJA, CL Hein, BM Roth, MJ Vander Zanden, JW Gaeta, AW Latzka, SR Carpenter. 2013. Food web consequences of long-term invasive crayfish control. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 70: 1109-1122.

Dodds, WK, CT Robinson, EE Gaiser, GJA Hansen, H Powell, JM Smith, NB Morse, SL Johnson, SV Gregory, T Bell, TK Kratz, WH McDowell. 2012. Surprises and insights from long-term aquatic datasets and experiments. Bioscience 62: 709-721.

Knapp, AK, MD Smith, SE Hobbie, SL Collins, TJ Fahey, GJA Hansen, DA Landis, K La Pierre, J Melillo, TR Seastedt, GR Shaver, JR Webster. 2012. Long-term experiments in the LTER Network: Past, present, and future roles. Bioscience 64:377-389.

Hansen, GJA, NC Ban, ML Jones, L Kaufman, HM Panes, M Yasue, ACJ Vincent. 2011. Hindsight in marine protected area selection: A comparison of ecological representation arising from opportunistic and systematic approaches. Biological Conservation 144: 1866-1875.

Vander Zanden, MJ, GJA Hansen, SN Higgins, MS Kornis. 2010. A pound of prevention, plus a pound of cure: Early detection and eradication of invasive species in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 36:199-205.

Fenichel, EP, GJA Hansen. 2010. The opportunity cost of information: An economic framework for understanding the balance between assessment and control in sea lamprey management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67: 209-216.

Hansen, GJA and ML Jones. 2009. Variation in larval sea lamprey demographics among Great Lakes tributaries: A mixed-effects model analysis of historical survey data. Journal of Great Lakes Research 35: 591-602.

Jones, ML, B Irwin, GJA Hansen, HA Dawson, AJ Treble, W Liu, W Dai, JR Bence. 2009. An operating model for the integrated pest management of Great Lakes sea lampreys. The Open Fish Science Journal 2: 59-73.

Ban, NC, GJA Hansen, ML Jones, ACJ Vincent. 2009. Systematic reserve planning in data-poor regions: socioeconomic data are essential. Marine Policy 33:794-800.

Hansen, GJA, ML Jones. 2008. The value of information in fishery management. Fisheries 33: 340-348.

Hansen, GJA, ML Jones. 2008. Evaluating an alternative larval assessment method for Great Lakes sea lampreys: A case study in adaptive management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 2471-2484.