MAISRC Virtual Showcase 2021

This year's line-up will have you pondering eDNA monitoring and genetic biocontrol as the AIS surveillance and management tools of the future. We also have some project updates you won't want to miss! The research team studying low-dose copper for zebra mussel suppression was at Pelican Lake this year. Find out what they were working on and what's next. Also new this year, we will be hosting a common carp management panel with four of our researchers. How can we integrate and build off of their research to protect and restore Minnesota's beloved waters? Join us to find out.


Gretchen Hansen: Eurasian watermilfoil ecology and impacts

Christopher Rounds: Optimizing eDNA monitoring for AIS

Naomi Blinick & Holly Kundel: How do zebra mussels affect walleye recruitment, food webs, and mercury concentrations?


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